Partnering with Myriad Media we created a series of playful, explanatory way-finding signage for the City of Raleigh's recently acquired Dix Park.
Client: City of Raleigh/Myriad Media
Services: Illustration
"Though the project was to create approximately two-dozen semi-permanent signs while the park undergoes transformation, we decided to take a longer-term approach. We created a recognizable family of mascots—with a little attitude—for the City to use at Dix, in addition to future projects at other city-owned park spaces.
The signs were organized in three categories:
Red for things park visitors should not do, like litter; yellow for cautionary statements, like watching out for trains; and green for interesting facts or tidbits about the park.
Each color was assigned its own mascot to create a subtle visual clue tying each sign together.
The signs were then installed around the park with metal housing, and shared online using the hashtag #ProtectOurPark.

Photos and description courtesy of Myriad Media
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